We remotely manage and control critical healthcare systems and services using our XPS IoT’s custom solution. XPS IoT helps you automate, manage, monitor and enhance healthcare operations.
Protection for vaccines
XPS IoT has collaborated with several IoT device manufactures providing ultra low power consumption devices using Sigofox's 0G network. These devices measures temperature with humidity and other dual state metrics. These devices are deployed in vaccine refrigerators to healthcare facilities - from small and relatively simple medical clinics to large, complex, and costly, teaching and research hospitals. This remote monitoring feature ensures vaccines are always stored in the right temperatures.
Utilising Big Data
The smart fridge comes with a dedicated IoT platform, too. It collects data from a variety of sensors on each unit in real-time, helping doctors and nurses to monitor and analyse the vaccines 24/7
Revolutionising care
There’s also an emphasis on helping organisations save money and avoid financial losses. He added: “Physicians generally have $40,000 to $60,000 worth of vaccines in their refrigerators. “If the clinic suffers a power outage or the traditional fridge fails, they risk losing the entire inventory of vaccines. By using automated processes to manage inventory through IoT sensors, the Fridge can deliver proactive alerts on inventory shortages or changes in temperature.”
"I hope that some day the practice of producing cowpox in human beings will spread over the world - when that day comes, there will be no more smallpox."
Roman Chernyshev, SVP for healthcare and life sciences at global technology consulting firm DataArt, said connected technologies are doing great things in the healthcare world. “Developments in IoT and big data are allowing healthcare to be administered more remotely. It is only a matter of time before technological developments of IoT and implants will allow various medical devices to continuously collect vital data from millions of patients around the world in real-time and simultaneously compare them,” he said.

“These developments will radically change how diseases are diagnosed. Medical conditions will be predicted as a result of big data and constant monitoring of health information using IoT platforms. “Technological advancements will result in healthcare being everywhere, although it will be almost invisible. One IoT device that is currently being developed will soon be used to autonomously treat metabolic diseases such as diabetes. An implant will constantly collect and analyse blood data from diabetes sufferers and independently inject insulin without the need for human interaction or prompting.”.